I’m Vanessa, a hot chick living and working in an upper-middle-class bedroom community of Houston, Texas. NASA is right down the road…there’s your hint. I’m divorced with 2 grown children and a boyfriend, and I manage a staff for a company that does marketing and advertising for several local medical practices. I’m paid well, but the work is not that challenging or interesting any more after 23 years at it. I’m sort of marking time to get in 25 or 30 years, which number I have not decided yet. I pull my weight and earn my keep, but the old earth-shattering ambition no longer burns within me.
Politically, my positions are such that I’d probably rank as a moderate or centrist. But I am defintely issue-oriented, as opposed to party-oriented. My middle-road label is not because I belief moderately on all issues; rather, my extremes toward right and left issues usually even out to centrist on those popular quizzes. I am opposed to privatization of Social Security, and I think most de-regulation is a scam to make someone else a tidy sum at my expense. I was an accountant before I was a graphic designer, and my old “debits equal credits” brain does not wrap well around destroying societal economic levelers such as regulation of our utilities and other necessities. I don’t believe there’s any way we can round up all the immigrants here illegally, and even if we could, it would cost way too much and be so poorly administered. So my pragmatic mind says there must be some kind of amnesty. (Plus, contrary to what most anti-amnesty folks would tell you, I know several people who became citizens during Reagan’s amnesty program and it worked beautifully for them and us for they are successful and productive taxpayers today, many with American children who will continue to contribute to our society.) But, how to stop the influx if amnesty if offered again? Build the damn wall, now. I believe in doing both amnesty and building the wall; in fact, I don’t think it will work unless we do both. I believe in America being an English-speaking country and so I support the English First movement. Speak duck-quack in your home if you wish, but be proficient in English to live here.
I could continue on and on espousing my views, but that was just a taste to show I’m not all right or left. It all depends on the issue with me. What I want to do in this blog is to vent and let off steam about what frustrates me about our politics in America, because I basically believe we are all just tools of the political Man — hence, my blog’s title. Wikipedia defines the word “tool” used in this context as:
creature: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant
or dishonest tasks for someone else; the word “tool” may be used as an insult,
describing someone who is being manipulated without their knowledge - implying
they are naïve and ignorant.
Now, some of us may recognize the manipulation and see the control, but we live in an era now that does not favor our “everyman” power. It will come again, as all things do in a cycle. But now, we are often tools used to build the dreams of a precious few. Yeah. Sometimes one’s position in history just sucks. What to do?
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